Sunday, April 20, 2014

Truth About Cellulite Review

Many products and services have been offered in the fight against cellulite, which is characterized by lumpy dimpling of the skin mimicking an orange peel with a cottage cheese-like consistency. One such product is the Truth About Cellulite e-book by Joey Atlas.

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In his official website, Joey Atlas asserts that he is a qualified skin disease researcher with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. His specialty as a researcher appears to be with women affected by cellulite, thus, making him qualified for the job of writing about the facts of cellulite including its treatment.

Joey Atlas has created a system allowing most women to lessen the appearance of cellulite on her body specifically on her thighs, hips and buttocks as well as on her armpits. His methods are all-natural in the sense that no topical creams, lasers, and surgery are used in the removal of cellulite.

As the founder of Symulast, Joey Atlas penned the e-book Truth About Cellulite so as to provide reliable information about the skin condition to the millions of men and women affected by it. His ideas in the e-book can be summarized as follows:

- Topical products like creams, lotions and serums do not work in eliminating cellulite because these substances only target the skin’s surface; the cause of cellulite – fat- remains unaffected.
- Med-spa treatments are also ineffective with many of these methods even deemed harmful to the skin, no thanks to their side effects.
- Cellulite is neither genetic nor acquired but the risks for its development include weight gain, inactive lifestyle and stress.

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The most important message of Joey Atlas in his Truth About Cellulite work is that cellulite dimples can be removed. This provides hope to his readers but the question is: Does Atlas deliver on the results?

It is up to the readers of Atlas’ book to decide since the individual results will vary. But it must be said that majority of the buyers attested that the results were, indeed, satisfactory. Their cellulite was lessened in appearance after a few weeks on being the program, which cannot be said of many anti-cellulite products like creams, lotions and gels.

The product has the following merits:

- The anti-cellulite remedies are natural yet effective. You need not worry about adverse side effects, expensive costs, and little to no results.
- The results can be seen faster than in other methods.
- The e-book can be accessed anywhere in the world for as long as you have a computer with an Internet connection. (Since you are reading this article, you have both)The system is easy to follow, too. You will only need 22 minutes each day to see the results, thanks to the easy floor exercises and cardio cheat sheet! Each download comes with bonuses like free subscription to cellulite files and money-back guarantee, among others. Of course, the streaming videos and PDF courses are the meat of Truth About Cellulite, so to speak.
But there are demerits to the product, too. You must spend time, energy and effort into actually implementing the system, for example. Then again, hard work is expected in anything that you passionately want in your life.So, is the Truth About Cellulite worth your money? Yes, it is but the assumption is that you should have an open mind to the treatments proposed by Joey Atlas and you should actually get off your butt to rid the cellulite on your butt, thighs and hips.

Truth About Cellulite

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